November 2017

“Code First” and “In Diseases Classified Elsewhere”

The “code first” note is your hint that two codes may be needed, along with sequencing direction. The “code first” note is an instructional note.

If you see “in diseases classified elsewhere” terminology you will assign two codes, with the manifestation code being sequenced after the underlying condition. The “in diseases classified elsewhere” (manifestation) code is actually part of the code title. The code with “in diseases classified elsewhere” documented can never be used as a principal diagnosis.

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August 2017

Medical Coding: Lateral and Bilateral Modifiers that Impact Payment

There can be confusion on how to report lateral- LT/RT and bilateral modifiers-50.

Coders report many of these incorrect or miss reporting altogether.

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July 2017

Medical Coders Do More Than Just Code!

There is a false impression that medical coders sit in their pajamas all day while entering codes consisting of letters and numbers.

Here is what a coder’s job truly consists of!

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May 2017

The Difference Between ER Professional vs. ER Facility E/M Medical Coding

What is the difference? We'll tell you! 

When looking for a job in the medical coding world, there is often some confusion between facility coding and professional coding.  The main difference is that professional coding is mandated by CMS and facility coding is facility based.  In this article, we are going to focus on the difference in the emergency room setting.

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April 2017

A Seasoned, Credentialed Coder Can Do It!

Can a medical coder fulfill the role of an inpatient CDI?  Yes, a seasoned, credentialed coder can. 

A seasoned, credentialed coder has the skills necessary to see the story of a patient.  These high-level coders investigate, analyze and problem solve.  These are not just people who apply codes- they take ownership of the record. 

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June 2016

Tired of Taking Yet Another Coding Assessment? Here's Why a Coding Test is Your Best Friend.

Feeling frustrated about that coding assessment for a potential new job? We understand. Let us explain the importance of the exam and how it can benefit you.

Recently I came across several LinkedIn posts discussing coders disappointments towards coding tests used during the screening process.  This frustration caught my attention and while I can sympathize, let me take a moment to give you some background on why companies need to have a coding assessment in place.

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